Before discovering the versatile world of home decor/interior design, I will admit I was stuck in a bubble of what I thought was nice. I will admit that initially the images below caught me off guard when I saw them on blogs and people raved by how beautiful they were. But now, I see things with a new eye...Am I alone in these thoughts?

oooh, i adore that last bedroom! the art wall, the chairs, and the nightstands are a perfect combo.
Nope, I'm totally with you.
Most are very nice. The first is a bit too avante garde for me. I like the comfy, antiquey but modern feel of the others. However, hanging a porch swing in your bedroom is a bit odd.
although this isn't my style of decorating, I tend to like looking at the rooms. usually its one thing that sticks out and I like it. I love all design because it gives you a glimpse of the person who designed it or who it was designed for. All these pictures say that the people who live in these roms are wierd (just kidding)!! But seriously design is nothing but art and that's exactly what these photos show.
can you tell I want you as a follower of mine!!!!
As a designer, I try to appreciate all the elements of design in all of the rooms. I understand where you are coming from. It's not always an easy thing to do when its not your style.
I love it! The first picture is classic/edgy & uber glam.
Tam you continue to open my mind to different interior design styles. Your style definitely get-it-girl!!
**Typo*** ~SORRY!
is definitely get-it-girl!!
Gorgeous photos! I wish my apartment could look as beautiful...sigh.
I'm not so into it personally, so against my style but I can appreciate the looks over all.
I wouldn't want my room to look like any of these but if someone paid me to decorate their room and this was their that it shall be done! LOL
You are not alone! Ever since I started reading blogs and being exposed to many many different styles I find that there is much more I like and appreciate than I originally thought. These pictures are very nice :)
Not really my style but I do like the last room.
I like the last room and the childrens rooms. The overall style is not as pulled together as I would like. But there are very nices pieces in each of the rooms.
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