Believe it or not, I get emails from readers or bloggers that are just starting out, and they ask me how my blog came to have followers, and readers in such a short time. And I am truly flattered by the emails, but I also be sure to tell it like it is. So I thought I would do a post as well. For starters Freckles Chick did a post a while back on building blogger traffic and it was great, so check hers out as well.
BLOGGIN 101: By Tamara Styles
1.) Be nice to people. They spend their time reading your blog, and there are so many to choose from, so being nice is worth something I think.
2.) NEVER think you are better than the next blogger. Seriously, I run across so many that think the servers rise and shine on them. Not COOL. You always want to be approachable. Try to reply to emails, or help where you can within your boundaries.
3.) If people take the time to comment on your blog, at least take a few minutes to visit their blog, and say something. Its a form of thank you.
4.) Treat others as you would want to be treated. When you do gain readers, always remember when you had none. I say this a lot at work.... humble yourself!
5.) Anonymous comments...hmm some people really have no account and have no choice which is fine, and others like to hide behind the Anon name to leave negative comments and send sideway jabs at you. I ignore, ignore, ignore...I don't waste my time. I delete and move on, and never call them out. They can KICK ROCKS with the negativity! I have only had to delete maybe 3 so at this point...so far so good (knock on wood).
6.) When your visiting other blogs and leaving comments. Lets say the subject is: "Help me with my outfit" or "Should I buy this couch"...although they are asking for your help and opinion, there is a way to say anything. There is nothing worse then a condescending comment when you are asking for help. Remember your response is being read not heard, and not everyone knows your personality or how you are trying to come across.
7.) Don't let cliques bother you. They do exist, but do you always!
8.) Know your audience, and stick to something. I have blogs in my dashboard for different forms of entertainment. One may be for gossip, one fashion, one cooking..etc..etc...Now every now and then a random post is cool because it shows who you are as a blogger and what you like in your world. But again its like buying ESPN and reading soap opera recaps from it.
9.) As Kay* would say, every post looks better with a photo.
10.) Leave comments or else they don't know that your there. All bloggers love love comments. It just makes them feel like their time is not in vain.
I hope these blogging tips helped someone. I was honest, and these are the opinions of ME. Everyone may not agree, but that is what makes the world go round right? RIIIIGHT?