I was reading one of my favorite bloggers Freckles Chick blog and was thinking..I am working alot to and my blog posts have been soooo not like me..So I decided to do a question and answer post since I have never done one...Not sure there is to much to ask me since I post every thing already (sorta)..(smiles)...So ask away...Its my first time!

Aww thx Tam. =]
I think you've mentioned your profession before but my brain's so fried from work myself...would you kindly refresh my memory? What do you love/hate about it?
Also, do you and the Husband have a "your song"? You know, one that brings back a flood of memories? =]
We know that you are fabulous blogger by night as well as super night owl but what is your day job?
what's your background? your hair has such a lovely natural curl and i'm just curious :)
fyi - usually when i ask this question of african-americans in the US they say somewhere in the south - so i'm wondering if that's the case or if they are from outside of the US.
Ok let's see...
What song describes your life?
What was your first kiss like?
Favorite must have in your purse?
Favorite holiday & why?
What's your guilty pleasure?
What's your favorite ice cream?
Ooooooo,I love this!!
1) What is your fav clothing store/boutique?
2)I know that you have a little sister,but do you have any other sibs?
3)Have you read any good books lately(and)what genre do you prefer?
4)What is your fav dessert?
5)What is your fav libation Cosmos,Lemon Drops...?
6)What do you do for fun(besides shopping for/decorating your home),browse art galleries,go dancing..?
7)What is your favorite dish & what do you LOVE to cook?
8)If you could change your profession(on a whim)to anything that you want,what would you change it to?
~Have a great day Tam & thanks for giving us a glimpse into your life!
Whats your goal for you blog?
What inspired you to do this blog?
I got one...what state do you live in?
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