Sunday, November 17, 2013

Nike Classic vs. Nike Air Max

Nike Classic vs. Nike Air Max

Nike Trainers come in all sorts of designs, versions and types. From the Nike Free Run+ to the Nike FlyKnit Racer, it can take some substantial website scrolling to figure out which is the best model for you. Two of the most publicized and popular makes have to be the Nike Air Max and the old-school Nike Classic - both of these shoes are ridiculously comfortable, with a lightweight feel you wouldn't expect from their appearance. Don't be fooled into thinking this makes them unsupportive though - any pro athlete will tell you that your performance is only enhanced by feeling as if you're walking on air.

If you're struggling to choose between the two iconic designs, take a look at this rundown of the pros and cons of each.


Here, the Nike Air Max comes up trumps. Designed to almost mold around the foot, it's light and quite literally airy. With its cushioned base around the sole, which in recent versions now runs further along the entire base of the foot, it gives the wearer buoyancy and support simultaneously. This makes these shoes perfect for running on harder surfaces, including pavements, tracks, tarmac or a treadmill. However, these durable running shoes should still allow you to perform just as well when taking to softer terrain such as grass or earth.

Football / Rugby

Although Nike Air Max will support the runner through a boggy field, when it comes to darting around, throwing yourself to the ground and kicking a ball, the Nike Classic is the better option here. Slightly more sturdy than the Nike Air Max in that they are a little heavier, have a thicker sole and provide a harder shell for the foot, they come in a variety of designs, with fabrics varying from simple suede to tougher leather. All of these should provide the foot with that crucial extra protection when it comes to kicking footballs or rugby balls.


Given that the game of tennis requires its player to be nimble, the Air Max is the one for this sport. As previously mentioned, it's ideal for harder surfaces, so even if the match is taking place on the shorn grass of Wimbledon, this is the better option. The Air Max will allow the tennis player to make swift movements, springing off the cushioned base to run, change direction and jump for the ball. Even more ideal is the fact that the support of this design allows you to land firmly on your feet and lightly make your next move when the ball returns your way.

General Training

Again, the Air Max is more appropriate for general gym training. There is less need for protection and thick-shelled support when working out on an exercise machine or when on weight machines. It's best to opt for this lighter shoe when working out indoors - this would also apply when playing sports such as basketball or badminton on indoor courts. Give this shoe a go when on the rowing machine, or when lifting weights, and you're sure to see the benefits.


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