Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Paint Samples Going Green

Ok yall seriously. I was home this weekend, and was looking for a project to do. Yall know sometimes I get project hungry, and I needed to be fed. I have not found the art that I want to use in the dining area just yet, so I needed something temporary. My sons frames had been sitting for months, so I decided to take them over by painting them white, and coming up with something that would be easy. I love the out come. Had I had better frames, or more frames, this could have really gone far.

Those colored paint samples at the local paint store are worth more than just a color idea. I pulled all the samples that I used when Ralph Lauren was leaving Home Depot. So think about what you can do with them before you toss them! Now this is green living.








test14 test16




Anonymous said...

Easy, Green Art. I love it. Great Job!


Anonymous said...

Easy, Green Art. I love it. Great Job!


Formerly known as Frau said...

love it!

###### said...

thanks yall. it was so easy.

Anonymous said...

Love it! I'm going to add this to my project list. I'll see what patterns I can create. Thanks for sharing

Unknown said...

That's awesome. I love creativity. Well done!!!!

Dhalia Edwards said...

Very creative and neat idea Tam...

Dayka Robinson said...

love your DIY art!

liz @ bon temps beignet said...

Great idea Tam! I have TONS of paint chips too. This kinda reminds me of that scarf (pashmina? throw?) you posted yesterday.

Diva Style said...

Lovin' iiiit!!!!!

Shalawn said...

Cute idea!

Jane said...

Tam, do this as an optical illusion, so when you stand back you can see an image. Great job btw.

Another creative project is framing a silk scarf.

Anna @ D16 said...

I love this! It reminds me of the Ellsworth Kelly painting, "Colors for a Large Wall":

LahTeaDah said...

Look at you little miss creative! Great idea. Wow - and havnig gone through renovation of the home over the past year I gots lots ofthose kicking around. THANKS

PS: I'd love for you to pop by my blog and enter my very first giveaway! So excited Im getting the chance to do my very first one!

Yours Truly


Patina said...

You own original work of art....I love it. You did a great job.

Brown Birdy said...

Freakin brilliant woman!

Joi said...

I did this similar project a couple years back! It's so inexpensive but makes a big impact!

Jen of MadeByGirl said...

Love it :)))

###### said...

what nice feedback..thanks ladies..its sad when i get stuck in a non project rutt.

Kiran said...

Girl, it is fabulous! Very creative!


Pink Inc. said...

Girl you did that ! I really like how the art in the design space turn out it really made that room POP! You know I love colors .....

L.Duncan@Home23DuncanBoys said...

Hi! Just wanted to say that your art is looking good! AND i'm loving the room!

House of Brooke said...

All I can say Tam is we have gr8 minds. How can I upload our pic (which is much smaller) but same content.

Marissa said...

How wonderful! Awesome idea!

Amanda said...

It's pretty TamStyles!

L.Duncan@Home23DuncanBoys said...

Okay, I'm going to do this! I just can't stopr thinking about this DIY art. Oh, and don't make it temporary! If anything, do one BIGGER!!!

DO you mind if I link to your post once I finish mine?!

Did you ever finish this space, or did I miss it? Let me search:-)