A big thank you to Beth of Hello Splendor, and Kelly of Fabulous K for hosting such a chic social at The Nest here in Dallas. Everything was perfect! Check out the heavenly flowers by Bows and Arrows, and finger licking good cupcakes by Citizen Sweet. I missed out on a swag bag though. I think my walking in heels slowed my ass down, and I couldn’t run to the door. Thanks ladies for a wonderful time, and chance to meet some of Dallas’ most fabulous bloggers.
Here I am at the social.
(photo: Kevin Dotolo)
For fun there was a scavenger hunt linked to The Nest Blog that we were to post on our blogs, in hopes of winning a luxurious Missoni Robe. I came packing with my camera, and snapping photos of my 5 favorite things. There is a white ceramic gun that I wanted that was out of stock that I absolutely love, but have it on order (stock photo below). So until then, here are my other favorite items from The Nest that I want, NOW.
I love these Salt/Pepper Shakers. So totally mod.
I am a sucker for lucite. These trays had a life of their own. The color alone, would a powerful pop to any space.
Since I wear my hair short, I am all about the earrings. I loved these black beauties.
Look at these necklaces. Organic, feminine, and all me. Love Love.
This lamp in a home makes a huge statement. When people walk in and see such an original piece. They know that your home represents style.
Another piece that stole my heart is this Bust of Dierdre Candle. Stopped me in my footsteps.
OmG! It looked like SO much fun, so CHIC! I hate I missed it, UgH! But family comes first...keep me updated on events chica, THANKS!
I love your jacket and bag.
The event looked like it was well planned and not to mention pink tulips are one of my favorite flowers.
I love how everybody had different favorites.
You looked great, Tamara ... and I am totally drooling over those cupcakes!!!
I love your outfit!!! <3
Looks like a great event. By the way, you look so stylish in the photo!
You look amazing, love the outfit! I think I should hire you to be my stylist! (I'd save money too) LOL.
Loved the flowers by Bows and Arrows...thinking about taking a floral arranging class sometime in the future. So sorry I missed meeting you at the event but I love what you're doing here!
Looked like a really nice event and loved your look !
LOVE your jacket and bag!
Great post! Love the pics :) The event looks like it was a blast...Love the jacket you have on xoxo
Hate that I missed it, looked like fun!
Oh the social looked like so much fun! Sigh bummer I'm 8000 miles away!
Thanks for the salt and pepper recommendation - those are awesome!
You look amazing, great outfit!
I thought the store and the crowd were fantastic. It’s interesting to see that everyone's 5 favorite things are totally different from each other! I love that so many small businesses are catching on to the power of local bloggers. What a great way to spread buzz!
You looked haute! I love the ceramics items that held the cupcakes, the ones with the buildings drawn on them. So cute.
Looks like you had a great time. Those salt and pepper shakers speak my language. Maybe its because they are black and white stripes.
Great post!
Mr. Goodwill Hunting
Looks like a lot of fun! Where did you get the jacket, it's haute!
Oh, I love all your faves!!! How'd I miss some of them?!?
It was a fun night, I wish we'd met. Hopefully next time!!
awesome event -glad you got to go! I really like the CERAMIC handgun, so cool :))))
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