Blog for digs is a fundraiser being organized by interior designer/blogger Claudia Clobes and Beth Dotolo of Hello Splendor. Several bloggers have chosen to participate in this wonderful cause, which allows design bloggers and its readers to give back to the one thing we love design. All monies raised during Blog for digs, will benefit Dwell with Dignity. Those that are not familiar with Dwell for Dignity, here is a brief summary.
Dwell with Dignity is a non-profit group of Interior Designers and volunteers dedicated to creating soothing, inspiring homes for families struggling with homelessness and poverty. We provide and install home interiors for families that include furnishings and art, bedding and kitchen supplies, and food in the pantry. Our mission is to help families escape poverty and homelessness through design. One household at a time.
Talk about a great organization. Below are a few before/after photos of what they have done for some very special people.
Its funny that this is the topic of this post. Unfortunately, I did not have a childhood bedroom. Believe me, I dreamed of one and wanted one so badly. I shared a room with my mother, and little sister during my upbringing. My mother was a single parent, and we lived with my grandparents. I was always in aww though of my friends rooms. I never wanted for any material thing, expect my own room. So since I don’t have photos. I will post what I wish my room looked like.
I always wanted a canopy bed as a kid. I have one now.
This was my baby. I took her everywhere with me. I loved her…until
Baby alive came into the picture…I feed her everything. I loved her until….
THE CABBAGE PATCH KIDS came into play. Fun times.
Although the space was limited, I had this huge house which I loved, and played with everyday. I had so many Barbie's that I turned them into The Knots Landing Cast.
I attended Catholic School, and we were being taught on Apple Computers. So my Grandmother decided she wanted to get me a computer to use at home. Some how the salesman turned her from an Apple to a Commodore 64. BIG WASTE of money. I never had a chance to do anything with this thing. I have no clue what happened to it. But her heart was in the right place. I was happy that Christmas even if I couldn’t work it.
I loved the Jets ( I GOT A CRUSH ON YOU) and wanted to be their friend so bad as a kid. I had their poster on the wall, along with every other poster from Right On magazine.
I was one of those kids that loved to play office. So my Aunt ordered me some notes from Lillian Vernon with my name on them. I played office in our room, and had these little papers everywhere. Fun times though.
This was great fun, and it brought back so many memories….
If you would like to donate to Dwell with Dignity, please click here.
Up next is Girl From North Country on 12/20
You can view the entire schedule of bloggers here.
High Fives & Hugs,
*images Google search, and dwell with dignity