Thursday, December 2, 2010

Office Remix

For the last I’m thinking two years, my office has looked as such. I have been thinking that I am up for a change. There are certain aspects of the space that must remain, which means the space will have to include touches of black. I want to use what I have, and only buy window panels, and accessories. After that. Its me and white paint.



Below is what I am thinking as option #1



So what am I wanting this time around? Well, I am needing my office to be more functional for business, rather than just eye candy. Let me take that back..EYE CANDY FIRST, functional second. Sorry, that’s just how I roll in that office (smile). If it doesn’t look good to me, I wont find myself drawn to it. But I notice when I do work in the office, there are aspects of it that are not functional. I need proper desk storage because I have a zillion note cards, papers, and envelopes. The current state of my bookshelf seems to be magazine storage because I hoard magazines. From design, to fashion, to music. If you’re looking for it, I probably have it. So I am thinking of throwing some out, and letting the shelf hold more pretty things, rather than old magazines. The above is just the first option. Option two posts tomorrow.

High Fives & Hugs,



Diamonds Pearls and Crazy in the world of Barbie Jones said...

I love the what uve selected for the update hunnie!!!!! something about salmon paint girl SEXXY!!! I say go for it! we all need a change... if u sell ur parsons and chair ive got dibs!!!! ill pay for shipping too :)

Kwana said...

It looks exciting!

Ro said...

I Love the salmon pink working its way in! Loves it.

Looking forward to seeing it!!

Brandi Nell said...

I Love the Salmon Pink with all of the gray! Can't wait to see what you do!

Brandi Nell

~L~ said...

i love the salmon color and the "invisible chair". and i love your photo gallery you have in the office. im a symmetry kind of girl!

my blog and boutique

Angela said...

I love that rug and I'm actually thinking about ordering it as wel1.

Your Best SisterFriend said...


Margaret said...

Love the idea of the campaign desk. I think it would look awesome with your black ghost chair, good mix of styles. Can't wait to see the finished project!

M2BM said...

like everyone else, i love the salmon too! and grey is my new favorite color & i didnt even know it. i would love to see that color combo on some ikat! HOT!!!

Caitlin @ Desert Domicile said...

I love the new updated look you're going for although I've always been a huge fan of your photo wall! Can't wait to see what you come up with :)

Unknown said...

I like the new direction your going in for your office

Rashon Carraway said...

I like it as well. I need a ghost chair. I hear they are unconfortable. Is thay true?

###### said...

i get all teary eyed when i read these comments...i must be having a very emotional day..DONT LAUGH.

Unknown said...

That campaign desk is to die for! I can't wait to see it painted up - lots of pictures please.... kate x

Dayka Robinson said...

excited to see your other options! the storage in the campaign is great, but the surface will definitely be smaller than what you're used to (since i have that same one!). i'm also bringing up my old sideboard and repainting it, because i STILL need more storage, but the drawer help me keep the surface clean, so the lack of space isn't that bad.

Dhalia Edwards said...

That salmon/coral color is nice...but a big change from your green. Good luck Tam...I'm sure it will come out great whatever you decide.


Jet-Setting Divas said...

The green was nice, but I think the salmon pink would look really good. Can't wait to see the outcome!

House of Brooke said...

Yes Ma'am!!
The REMIX is nice.
Grey/Salmon along with the other two colors will be nice!
No more green right! Go with Salmon and let's do this.

Just what a girl needs a REMIX!

Leigh Lane said...

Well Tams, if you decide that beautiful studded black chair is going I would GLADLY purchase it from you in a heart beat! :)

Anonymous said...

stumbled across your blog and your taste in decor is SICK! I need some of that to rub off on me!

Anonymous said...

If you think you'll ever have to go back to those old magazines for inspiration: Archive, Archive, Archive. You should need no more than 1 box and stash them in the garage. That way you can keep your treasures and vamp up your space at the same time.

I still have the short lived issues of vibe vixen and Suede (which was ahead of it's time)

Bri@Meyouandawiener said...

Well I'm sure you know what I'm thinking! Definitely Salmon Pink! Love, love, it's just a happy color and really fun I love the choice hopefully you choose it as well.

Jazz said...


I love your office but sometimes you need to change things up a bit and I agree that Salmon is sexy! and you already know I co-sign on the grey ;)

OMG, I hoard magazine's too! (Mags are my vice) hubbs hates it. At least you have an office to hide them in (in my next house that will be a must!)

Can't wait to see option #2.
