I am going to start by saying that I am the shopper that does not like buying REPLICAS. I don’t own any fake handbags, and here to say I never will. I can honestly say that. I think I love my bags so much, and I wouldn’t go outside my normal safety net because I where them so much. Here is where things change. I have been watching the Isabel Marant sneakers for a while. Since Beyoncé debuted her pair on her video. The price tag is sick, and never would I spent crazy money on some sneakers, especially since I don’t wear sneakers that often. But the truth is that women seem to walk with a little more ompf when they have a heel…at least I do , just sayin.
I was blog reading, and found these replicas purchased by bloggers with photos. My issue has always been quality. But thus far, looking at these. THEY LOOK GREAT. No post has named them as trash, or that they have shredded to threads. So what did TAM DO?
I placed an order via Ebay for a black pair. Expect the truth and goood photos when they arrive. They were only $51 including shipping, where the originals start at over $600. Check them out below. Let me know what you think. Or if you have some.
Blog editor of Blue October shows that these replicas don’t look half bad.
These are replicas as well purchased by Just Like Sushi from Ebay.
These are from Steve Madden for $149
Stay tuned. I was told it takes a minimum of 15 days for them to get here. Hopefully they are worth the weight in GOLD—GO TEAM USA.
Are you into the wedge sneakers?
High Fives & Hugs,