From time to time there are a few celebs who make me take a second look at their style. I am an edgy style STALKER and love edgy over anything else. What do I love about the EDGY STYLE? That its effortless damn-near. Working with what you have without following rules. Who care if the colors match, or the style of shoe is “off”. Just do it.
I am crushing on these styles….
My daughter was playing around with clothes the other day, and I had given her some of my items. I decided to dress her myself, and came up with this. I love it. This is the fun part of motherhood. Playing dress up with teens. Anywho----She had this Obey shirt that I bought her for Christmas that had been hanging untouched, and I had this Zara leopard skirt that was untouched as well. I told her to just put it on, and let me add as needed. In the end, it was a look that I think is young and fresh,
What’s your favorite style?
High Fives & Hugs,