Friday, November 6, 2009

Grey over Gray

For my first table job, I think this went pretty well. I bought a brass colored spray for the feet rather than getting a gold or silver. The originals are brass so I thought I would keep it the same. I just might change it still. I think a silver would be HOT.

Now I must add that I used this spray attachment and it is the DAMN BOMB! It felt like I was using a professional sprayer. PLEASE BUY ONE. Its only like $2.50. I dont think I would have achieved the smooth finish without it. Jenny mentioned it on her blog, and I followed. Look what she spray painted with it below...I think I found something else I love to do. Just no room for it all.


FAB job huh? I could not believe she did that with spray paint. But like I said, that sprayer changes the game.