Monday, November 8, 2010

Coming Soon…..

Let us start by saying that we DO NOT PROFESS to be certified relationship experts. But we do however have 18 STRAIGHT YEARS of love, trials, tribulations, and the victory of our love being ever lasting. With that being said. I think we have a lot to offer those that want to make theirs work. We didn’t have a couple to go to when we needed help, so we feel obligated to pay it forward. Often we are asked for advice, both separately, and together. And we want to share what makes it work for us, and that it is possible. Yes he gets on my nerves at times, and I know I get on his, nothing is perfect. But there is a way to make it work in this modern day world of relationships. We look forward to doing this together!

Dating, Marriage, and Everything in between

IF YOU HAVE QUESTIONS THAT YOU WOULD LIKE OUR TAKE ON. YOU CAN EMAIL THEM HERE. Once the blog is up and running we will post responses there.

Mr. & Mrs. Styles


Tiffany said...

How exciting! I can't wait to follow along!

My @ said...

Y'all are too cute.

~L~ said...

That was just too cute! i'll stay tuned for the new blog.


Unknown said...

How fun! I love it :-)

Robin said...

I am so excited about this! You two are the cutest couple.

Anna @ D16 said...

I can't wait! You are both so cute :)

Prissy said...

That is a great thing to do. Love the idea!!


liz @ bon temps beignet said...

Y'all are so cute together. My hubby and I have been married for just 8 months but we don't want to end up as just another statistic.

I can't wait to see this blog!!

Meya Cruz said...

that is such a great idea!! you are are sooo cute together!!

Pink Stilettos said...

Wow..this is great and inspiring :) xoxo

Glitter said...

Can't wait!

House of Brooke said...

Im so ready!
What a Blessing!!

Joi said...

You guys are cuties!

Rashon Carraway said...

This is going to be exciting. Relationship advice from a real couple!

Mr. Goodwill Hunting

###### said...

Thanks for the support! How many times has his OU shirt made it on this blog. And for his birthday today, all of his gifts from the OU catalog...

GFS said...

Oh what a great idea and it will be cool to hear the guy's side of things too!

You guys look awesome together!

Soul Pretty said...

Too cute...Great idea...

Soul Pretty said...

Too cute...Great idea...

Unknown said...

Cute Idea! I thought the same when I was married for 18 years. Finally after 31 years I realized I didn't know a d&%mn thing about MY marriage/relationship, and got a divorce. Good luck!


Brown Birdy said...

Good for you guys! This is sure to bless many! I love that y'all are colaborating on this project-not only will it strengthen others-but will be one more great bond for you 2 as well! Looking forward to it!

Jazzynickel said...

Exciting! Can't wait...