I am a deal shopper. I refuse to pay the higher price, if I can pay the lower. Case and point. The lamps below. I don’t know how yall feel about those prices for those lamps, but it’s a bit out of Tams budget. So since I love the style. It was my duty to find something similar, for much much less, and I did.
I am in love with this lamp. The color is a beautiful warm gray that flows right in line with my den, and the neutrals that it encompasses.
*TIP* Usually if there is a high end. There is a lower end, trust me. Do a Google image search, and see what comes up. Visit your favorite discount stores, and monitor what they have out that’s new, and what styles they are selling for the moment because it changes. Also feel free to drop me a line. If I have seen it. I have no problem telling you where to find it.
High Fives & Hugs,
*images west elm, ballard designs, and my own
All gorgeous......but the $40 is my favorite!
I am right there with you in always wanting to pay the lower price! I've been spying that lamp at Target for a while now, but I think that if I buy another lamp for this house my husband will make me live on the porch with it :). Your den is looking lovely!
I'm with you! Im not paying for the name becuase most of the time that's all you end up paying for. Now depending on what it is i do look for quality but when it comes to lamps and such 40.00 is an ideal price for me... anything higher is highway robbery!!!
Hey Tam!
Great find! I won't pay $170 for a table lamp either. I'm just a price tag snob like that. Gotta love Tar-jay for houseware. Keep it up!
You are right! always go for the best deal. plus the Target version looks exactly like the ballard designs. I love me some Tar-Jay!
My blog and shop
What a super shopper you are!
I love those lamps! I saw the first one at Ethan Allen, saw how much they were and changed my mind. I never thought about looking for a cheaper version. Girl my house is so basic and full of hand-me-downs it's laughable!
that is a great alternative - almost exactly alike!
wow! google image search = great idea! Thanks!
Your a women after my own heart. I never pay full price for anything. If I can't make it thrift it or get on sale it's not for me.
The most I've paid is 40 and I refuse to go over as well now in days you can find great lamps at thrift stores and Goodwills that simply need a good cleaning. Wise choice Tam!
i've had my eye on that lamp just for its beauty, but your eye is great! i never would've known is was a "knock-off"!
Heck, I bet if you asked someone to pick out the lamp with the higher price tag they wouldn't even be able to tell the difference!
When it comes to decorating your home you gotta know where the spend the money... for me, $179 lamps is not it!
Great post!
Nice job! Great find!
You are so right. There is no way that I'm going to pay full price when I now there is something less expensive and just as beautiful out there.
What a great find!
Could beat myself up...these same lamps were on clearance for $19.00 at my sister's target and I didn't get them! Now you feature them! Ugh! I feel an ice cream intervention coming on!
Looks amazing!! The gray is fantastic. I love Target!!
Get it girl! I saw that lamp in Target the other day! It looks great in your space. : )
Yess! I have two of them sitting in our closet and waiting for their hats (lamp shades)! :-D
OMG IS THAT THE SAME LAMP GOING FOR $170!?!?!? Good job with that! I'm with you, if can find it cheaper it's that much better!
I really like the Target lamp the most !
Tarjay is my number one stop. Always wait to buy...because it WILL go on sale...minimum 30%. I started to buy this lamp, but I think I have enough lamps...lol
Mr. Goodwill Hunting
I have never thought of doing a google image search thank you so much. I will have to start doing it.
Peace, Love and Chocolate
Good deal!!!
love it. love me some target!
I am a deal shopper 4real and I saw these at MarSHAlls (pronounced Mar-Schallz)
I was told the low end is NOT always a good quality.
But I rarely have issues. She said I dont shop @ those TYPE places!
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