Wednesday, November 17, 2010

How Low Can You Go?

I am a deal shopper. I refuse to pay the higher price, if I can pay the lower. Case and point. The lamps below. I don’t know how yall feel about those prices for those lamps, but it’s a bit out of Tams budget. So since I love the style. It was my duty to find something similar, for much much less, and I did.


I am in love with this lamp. The color is a beautiful warm gray that flows right in line with my den, and the neutrals that it encompasses.

*TIP* Usually if there is a high end. There is a lower end, trust me. Do a Google image search, and see what comes up. Visit your favorite discount stores, and monitor what they have out that’s new, and what styles they are selling for the moment because it changes. Also feel free to drop me a line. If I have seen it. I have no problem telling you where to find it.

High Fives & Hugs,



*images west elm, ballard designs, and my own